Syllabus -Mechanical Engg -Reg 2004- ME1201(Engineering Thermodynamics)
Posted by Selerines at 11:03 PMHi guys and girls... In this post, i have provided you the syllabus for Engineering Thermodynamics subject. The syllabus that i have posted for this particular subject is only for Reg 2004 and this should be followed only by Mechanical engineering students. Make use of this syllabus and also refer this site to your friends, so that others can also able to get benefit from this site. In my upcoming posts, I will try to post syllabus for other subjects and other branches too... So stay in touch.
ME1201(Engineering Thermodynamics)
1. Basic Concept and First Law 9
Basic concepts - concept of continuum, macroscopic approach, thermodynamic systems - closed, open and isolated. Property, state, path and process, quasi-static process, work, modes of work, Zeroth law of thermodynamics – concept of temperature and heat. Concept of ideal and real gases. First law of thermodynamics – application to closed and open systems, internal energy, specific heat capacities, enthalpy, steady flow process with reference to various thermal equipments.
2. Second Law, Entropy and Availability 9
Second law of thermodynamics – Kelvin’s and Clausius statements of second law. Reversibility and irreversibility. Carnot cycle, reversed carnot cycle, efficiency, COP. Thermodynamic temperature scale, Clausius inequality, concept of entropy, entropy of ideal gas, principle of increase of entropy – Carnot theorem, absolute entropy, availability.
3. Properties of Pure Substance and Steam Power Cycle 9
Properties of pure substances – Thermodynamic properties of pure substances in solid, liquid and vapour phases, phase rule, P-V, P-T, T-V, T-S, H-S diagrams, PVT surfaces, thermodynamic properties of steam. Calculations of work done and heat transfer in non-flow and flow processes. Standard Rankine cycle, Reheat and regenerative cycle.
4. Ideal & Real Gases and Thermo Dynamic Relations 9
Gas mixtures – Properties of ideal and real gases, equation of state, Avagadro’s law, Vander Waal’s equation of states, compressibility, compressibility chart. Dalton’s law of partial pressure, Exact differentials, T-D, relations, Maxwell relations, Clausius Clapeyron equations, Joule Thomson Coefficient.
5. Psychrometry 9
Psychrometry and psychrometric charts, property calculations of air vapour mixtures. Psychrometric process – Sensible heat exchange processes. Latent heat exchange processes. Adiabatic mixing, evaporative cooling, problems.
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