The second phase of counselling for Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions 2008 is scheduled as detailed below. Individual communications are being sent to candidates calling them to appear for counselling. Eligible candidates who have applied and whose total marks are as specified or above, may appear for counselling along with their original certificates for verification, irrespective of the receipt of individual communication. Those who got re-totalled / revaluated marks may also attend the counselling on the day and session according to their new marks. The counselling will be held at the Examination Centre, Anna University Chennai, Chennai - 600 025.

For more counselling details click here

Anna University Chennai, which has been in the forefront of Engineering Education in the country, has taken initiatives to use its vast pool of knowledge base and facilities for research and consultancy. The University has been associated with a large number of community development projects of the Government of Tamilnadu and strives hard to have collaborative developmental programmes with industry and R&D institutions in the country. It has also received financial support from funding agencies at the state and national levels for creating infrastructural facilities and R&D programmes. It was felt that the outcome of such collaborative programmes could be compiled and published for the benefit of industry and the society, as they can benefit from such interactions and also create an environment conducive for research, leading to collaboration for technology development and transfer.

This booklet, compiled on the initiative of Prof. K.A.Padmanabhan, Professor of Eminence at Anna University and Chairman of the Advisory Committee for the Centre for Technology Development and Transfer, contains information about the research interests of the faculty members of various departments and their contributions through academic and externally funded research programmes and their contributions for technology development.


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thanks in advance.

July 24, 2008 at 12:12 PM  

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